FastFlags are not bannable by Roblox, but abusing them can get you banned from certain games.
Teleport All Ragdolls/Unanchored to 0, 0, 0
added by @pixelyloaf
"DFIntGameNetLocalSpaceMaxSendIndex": "1000"
No Knockback/Ragdoll
added by @pixelyloaf
"DFIntGameNetLocalSpaceMaxSendIndex": "100000",
"DFIntPhysicsImprovedCyclicExecutiveThrottleThresholdTenth": "0"
Tool desync
added by @pixelyloaf
"DFIntSimBlockLargeLocalToolWeldManipulationsThreshold": "-1"
Desync FFlag
added by @venkeyz
"DFFlagPhysicsSkipNonRealTimeHumanoidForceCalc2": "False",
"DFIntS2PhysicsSenderRate": "3",
"DFIntTaskSchedularTargetFps": "5588562",
"FFlagGameBasicSettingsFramerateCap5": "False",
"FFlagTaskSchedularLimitTargetFpsTo2402": "False"
Remap R6 to R15 Rigs/Weird Movement
added by @pixelyloaf
"FFlagRemapAnimationR6ToR15Rig": "True"
Weird leg movement
added by @pixelyloaf
"DFFlagAnimatorPostProcessIK": "True"
Random High Jumps
added by @pixelyloaf
"FFlagSimAdaptiveTimesteppingDefault2": "True",
"DFFlagSimHumanoidTimestepModelUpdate": "True"
added by @pixelyloaf
"FFlagSimAdaptiveTimesteppingDefault2": "True",
"DFIntSimAdaptiveHumanoidPDControllerSubstepMultiplier": "-999999",
"DFFlagSimHumanoidTimestepModelUpdate": "True"
No animations
added by @pixelyloaf
Stops the game trying to replicate your animations in the server. You dont have animations in the server but you do for your client
"DFIntReplicatorAnimationTrackLmiitPerAnimator": "-1"
Delayed Animations
added by @pixelyloaf
"FFlagProcessAnimationLooped": "False"
Stick unanchored parts to you
added by @pixelyloaf
- = up, + = down
"DFIntSolidFloorPercentForceApplication": "-1000",
"DFIntNonSolidFloorPercentForceApplication": "-5000"
Max Raycast Distance
added by @pixelyloaf
Raycasting is the use of intersection tests to solve problems in Roblox. The most common use of raycasting is to determine the first object intersected by a ray. This is done by casting a virtual ray from a certain point in a direction and determing the first surface it intersected with.
Break legs collision from 2 to -inf, kinda break camera on values over 3 noclip cam on 3
"DFIntRaycastMaxDistance": "3"
Change DataSender Rate
added by @pixelyloaf
A.k.a does not let you load games
"DFIntDataSenderRate": "-1"
Disable Touch Events
added by @pixelyloaf
"DFIntTouchSenderMaxBandwidthBps": "-1"
Improved Syncing
added by @pixelyloaf
"DFIntS2PhysicsSenderRate": "10000"
Clientsided Invisible
added by @pixelyloaf
"FIntParallelDynamicPartsFastClusterBatchSize": "-1"
Invisible 1
added by @pixelyloaf moved by @venkeyz
Stops the physics on your character from sending to the server so your character doesnt move for the server. You can move on your client.
"DFIntS2PhysicsSenderRate": "-30"
Invisible 2
added by @pixelyloaf moved by @venkeyz
Locks your character's position on the server to (0, 0, 0), having the side effect of turning you invisible. This only affects the server and other clients, not you. server-sided things that rely on your position, like clicking to get tools, will not function. In some games these can be abusable.
"DFIntGameNetPVHeaderTranslationZeroCutOffExponent": "10"
added by @pixelyloaf
"DFIntMaxMissedWorldStepsRemembered": "1000"
Noclip 1
added by @pixelyloaf
this currently looks broken to me, might not work for you (good job roblox, honestly)
Adjust the value so you don't fall through the ground
"DFIntAssemblyExtentsExpansionStudHundredth": "-50"
Noclip 2/Mesh Noclip
added by @pixelyloaf
"DFIntPhysicsDecompForceUpgradeVersion": "1500"
added by @pixelyloaf
"DFIntMaximumUnstickForceInGs": "-10"
Network Ownership
added by @pixelyloaf
better network ownership of parts
This might get you banned in some games with anticheats (Limbobbia)
"DFIntMinClientSimulationRadius": "2147000000",
"DFIntMinimalSimRadiusBuffer": "2147000000",
"DFIntMaxClientSimulationRadius": "2147000000",
"DFFlagDebugPhysicsSenderDoesNotShrinkSimRadius": "True",
"FFlagDebugUseCustomSimRadius": "True"
Drive Vehicles Slow
added by @pixelyloaf
"DFIntPhysicsImprovedCyclicExecutiveThrottleThresholdTenth": "0"
Fake lag
added by @pixelyloaf
"DFIntS2PhysicSenderRate": "1"
Abusive Visuals
Semi Fullbright
added by @pixelyloaf
"FFlagFastGPULightCulling3": "True",
"FIntRenderShadowIntensity": "0",
"DFIntCullFactorPixelThresholdShadowMapHighQuality": "2147483647",
"DFIntCullFactorPixelThresholdShadowMapLowQuality": "2147483647",
"FFlagNewLightAnnenuation": "True",
"FIntRenderShadowmapBias": "-1",
"DFFlagDebugPauseVoxelizer": "True"
Draws a circle under avatars
added by @pixelyloaf
"FFlagDebugAvtarChatVisualization": "True",
"FFlagEnableInGameMenuChromeABTest4": "False",
"FFlagEnableIngameMenuChrome": "False",
"FFlagEnableInGameMenuSongbirdABTest": "False"
Humanoid Outline
added by @pixelyloaf
Draws an outline around every part and every humanoid
"DFFlagDebugDrawBroadPhaseAABBs": "True"
fflag above but more complex
added by @pixelyloaf
Draws an outline around every body part
"DFFlagDebugDrawBvhNodes": "True"
Buggy ZPlane Camera
added by @pixelyloaf
"FIntCameraFarZPlane": "1"
Adds an UI in game, which highlights any part player touches (like ground, Meshes etc.). It's as non-functioning UI too. Also adds a blue circle to your humanoid.
added by @pixelyloaf
"FFlagDebugHumanoidRendering": "True"